Being of a fairly decadent, yet thrifty, disposition, we are going on a short holiday in March. Thrifty? We are going to Krakow in southern Poland - a city which is supposedly gorgeous, very Old Europe and still affordable. Decadent? We are going to stay in an art deco hotel for the duration of our stay. Don't say we don't know how to indulge ourselves whilst remaining within budget.
As we are only going to be in Krakow for a very short time, I don't expect we'll get around to seeing all that many sights. We are both slightly intrigued by the famous Wieliczka salt mines but they will probably have to wait for another holiday. I'm mainly looking forward to seeing a lot of beautiful Central European architecture (I'm thinking Krakow will be as picturesque as Prague but significantly less spoiled by fast-food chains) and eating pierogi.
Speaking of Old Europe and beautiful buildings, we watched In Bruges last night. At first I struggled a bit with the strong Irish accents, but when my ear finally tuned in, I relished a dark, funny and very smart film. I didn't even mind Colin Farrell all that much which is saying something.
On needles? I ripped back my delicate lace shawl, have begun a lovely colourful shawl and have almost finished a little cardigan for my nephew-due-in-March. I am also working on my jumper and am getting close to a point where I have to make design decisions. O-er!