Weather With You
This is the weather forecast from BBC. As you can see, I need to finish my cardigan and get started on some emergency mittens and hat or I shall die of frostbite.
At the moment I'm monogamously working on a red version of my beloved grey cardi. When I say "version" I really mean "same but different" as I'm only using the basic shape of my grey cardigan and am working with different textures. I have eight more rows of stocking stitch (i.e. glatstrikning) left before I start on the garter stitch (i.e. retstrikning) border. I anticipate doing that tonight and then I just have two sleeves (again in plain stocking stitch) left to do. Shall we say 'Wednesday night' or is that too ambitious?
I'm yet to decide which mittens to knit. I re-arranged my Ravelry queue of desired patterns the other night (apologies to anybody on my friends-list - you will have noticed me swamping your friends-view with a gazillion patterns) but I'm still torn. I'm a bit tempted by the Chevalier mittens but the idea behind knitting emergency mittens is not to spend ages labouring over (gorgeous) cable work, but to get warm quickly. I'm also wondering whether I should knit a cute beret or a big chunky hat that'll keep me warm. You see my dilemma: being chic or not dying of hypothermia.
I have also wondered if I should knit some big, warm, woolly socks for indoor use as Casa Bookish has a nasty draft coming from the closed-off fireplace in the living room. But I've ruled out sock-knitting for ages and risk being gently mocked by my lovely knitting friends, so strike that.
After the emergency mittens and the emergency hat, it's time to look at Christmas knitting. I have been roped into knitting David's Auntie M. "something green" (apparently a shawl, but we shall see about that - shawls take longer than you'd expect) and I have other sneaky plans involving yarn and people I love. I am also thinking of tackling this cardigan again in a more suitable yarn.
First, though, my red cardigan. Stocking stitch ad nauseam, here we go..
PS. Sorry about title but I'm on a roll, clearly.