Christmas Crafting
This holiday season I was not going to make anything for anybody - bar that quilt for my mother which didn't happen. Then someone suggested a small crafty Christmas exchange within a tiny circle of friends - and how could I resist making things for people who appreciate handmade things and who knows how much love and work go into every single stitch?
And I ended up making some things that I well and truly love.
A Christmas pudding pin cushion for L.
The pattern is by Freddie Patmore, but I do not think it is available outside Rowan Christmas workshops? I used oddments of Rowan Pure Wool DK for this one. I used toy stuffing for the top and added a tiny bag filled with rice for a bit of added weight at the bottom.
The construction of the holly leaves is really clever, by the way.
I never thought I'd be one to knit novelty Christmas puddings, but we learn new things about ourselves all the time, don't we? This was actually so much fun to make that I also made one for myself using Rowan Fine Tweed! I'll try to get a photo of that later..
I made three Christmas baubles for P.
I used Balls Up! by General Hogbuffer (this may be a pseudonym!) as a template, but I did deviate quite a bit as the styrofoam balls I used were significantly smaller than the ones used in the pattern.
The yarn? Oddments of sheepy Shetland type 4ply. Needles? 2.5mm.
The first bauble took an evening to make as I had to figure out my own modifications rather than work straight from the pattern. The next two baubles took significantly less time, although I was still using colourful language towards the end when the styrofoam ball was inside the work-in-progress and I had to work decreases on tiny needles. Again, hands did suffer in the making of these objects!
I absolutely love these - I think they look amazing - and if I had had any more styrofoam baubles, everyone would have received these. I think this is something I'll make again - possibly for my mother next year and definitely for myself.
(Of course taking these photographs was another eye-opener for any neighbours who had forgotten my quirky ways: "Look, dear, the lady from next door is off the rails again. She's kneeling in the snow with her camera fixed at something knitted." They will learn someday.)
I also made something for E. but she refused to open her gift before Christmas Day..