Whatever Makes Her Happy
Pictured: everyday life in Casa Bookish.
I am knitting. He is solving the cryptic crossword.
As for my knitting project, it is something I have been meaning to knit for years. I bought some pseudo-Malabrigo Worsted about three years ago, then Ysolda Teague released the Snapdragon Tam pattern and I just knew I was going to combine the two someday. But like most of those certainty-projects I have simply been saying "one day" for far too long.
I needed to knit something that was all about me after having done so many work-related projects recently. I cast on whilst heading north and then I pursued my project in a very fulfilling leisuredly manner. This means I have not had a set rows to finish every day, I have not picked it up at set times, and I have not come to groan at the sight of it. This is a satisfyingly selfishly slow knit.
(Insert Händel's cry of Hallelujah here)
I did worry (and continue to do so) that I shall run out of yarn. I took to Twitter to ask plaintively whether people could sooth my nerves (they could) and then I looked at my projects page. I made a Snapdragon out of one skein of Malabrigo Worsted just last year. They say your memory is the first thing to go.. but just to make sure I have also weighed the hat-in-progress and measured that against the remaining amount of yarn. Because I can get that obsessed about knitting.
(That reminds me of the time that my lovely knitting partner-in-crime E. walked up to waiting staff at our local haunt and asked if she could borrow the kitchen scales as she needed to weight a rapidly diminishing ball of yarn. They never looked at us the same.)
In other crafty news, today I attended a lovely crochet workshop with Carol Meldrum. Whilst I am a deft hand at crocheting, joining crochet motifs in an orderly fashion had always eluded me before today. I'm happy to report that not only did I manage to follow Carol's instructions and join four lacy squares - I also worked out how to join lacy hexagons .. all by myself! I was a tad smug until it dawned on me that I should have learned these tricks about thirty years ago. I foresee many beautiful crochet blankets in my future - I have several blankets/scarves favourited already and soon it shall be my turn.
Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night..