Finished Objects &c
If you are in the UK, you can do much worse than watch Rosie Boycott, John Mullan, Germaine Greer and China Mieville thrash it out over the Booker Shortlist on The Review Show. I chortled. Loudly. Several times.
But, you are probably not here to hear my own thoughts on literary novels. You are probably here because I have a few finished objects to show off.
First up, Idunn. I knitted it out of some lovingly hoarded Rowan Scottish Tweed in "Apple". I used the February Beret I have used before and used the same moderation I had also used before: instead of an i-cord cast-on, I cast on 98 stitches, knitted k1p1 rib for a few inches and then followed pattern from there. It looks neat, fits my head and is less fiddly. I am a big fan of 'less fiddly'.
When blocked, Idunn grew. I am still pondering whether to rip back and do the decreases more sharply, but right now I'm too lazy. The beret is just a bit slouchier than I would have liked, but it still looks nice.
And it has certainly earned its keep over the last few weeks. The autumn weather has really kicked in and my head/ears appreciate being warm.
Secondly, a small project I just started/finished yesterday. I have a lot of work-related projects on the go at the moment, and I feel a tiny bit burned out. So, it was nice to sneak in an absolutely frivolous project which has to please nobody but me.
I have a thing about knitted and crocheted jewellery. I really like it, but find it difficult to find something unusual. My A Little Ruffle necklace is pretty unusual and I love wearing it.
The original pattern makes it more of a statement in substantial cotton - but I thought it'd be interesting to work it up in some tweed and toy with the contrast between "traditional" tweed and something quite fashiony. I whipped it up in just over an hour and I can see myself making a couple more necklaces in various textures, fibres and colours.
Specifications: 1/3rd of a ball of Rowan Felted Tweed (colour: "Bilberry"). Size 5mm (H) crochet hook. An old necklace I tore apart to get the chains.
I will probably not be wearing it with a black tee again, though - it dulls the necklace just a tiny bit.
Other necklaces I like: The Statement Necklace and the Crochet Braid necklace.
I've also looked at brooch patterns and hairband patterns, but I'm slightly underwhelmed. Any suggestions for slightly unusual jewellery projects (or even unusual scarves)? I feel the need to churn out accessories.