Saturday Linkage
As Ms Bookish and her Other Half are off examining Roman ruins and the HarperCollins Archives, here are some links to tide you over.
- Test Your Colour IQ. The lower your number, the better. I managed a respectable 8 with slightly flaws in the blue spectrum (I don't like that colour, anyway)
- Television Tropes and Idioms. "Trope refers to story components or elements which have become standardized through decades (or more) of use." From Cross Cultural Kerfluffle via Because Destiny Says So to Uncanny Family Resemblance, this Wiki will suck away hours of your life.
- To Die By Your Side is an excellent music blog. A good place to start is when his girlfriend takes him to see James Blunt at Glastonbury
- Out.com's The 100 Greatest, Gayest Albums (of All Time). Interesting, if slightly random (Sgt. Pepper, anyone?!) and notable absentees like Jimmy Somerville (only Bronski Beat are represented) or Tegan & Sara while Queen and Pet Shop Boys are richly represented.
- LHC Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment Webcams. CERN has been kind enough to set up a live streaming webcam to watch the CMS in action. Quite ingenious.