Knitterly Woes (& Some Joy)
I finished the Snapdragon Tam this week and am generally pleased with the result. I was terrified I would run out of yarn (I had 2g leftover after leaving out one row and sending prayers to the knitting gnomes) and one of the as-written-in-pattern cables irritates me, but overall I like the end result. It is very pretty and very knitterly.
But most of my knitting energy is focused on finishing a shawl (ravlink) I am making for a friend. I have been torn on whether or not I should write about the pattern here, because, well, the pattern is very poorly put-together.
As written the actual pattern makes no sense: the pattern tells you to repeat rows 1-37? No. You need to repeat rows 23-37, except you finish on row 34 before starting edge chart (and do not do a double-YO on row 33 but use a single-YO), but do not start on row 1 of this chart but on row 5 despite what the pattern tells you. See what I mean? The shawl would actually be a very easy knit if instructions had been correct and the charts properly set-up. Instead I have trawled online fora trying to find errata - unsurprisingly several people have posted errata - with added frustration as the designer can be seen throwing attitude into the mix ("Re-writing, re-charting, and/or any other adaptations (..) will not be allowed" is one of the mild instances). Also, an updated version of the pattern including the errata would be a nice touch.
I am about to start the edging (using one of those contraband re-written charts) but I shan't be knitting this pattern again nor will I be seeking out any of the designer's other pattern - particularly not the pay-pattens she has begun releasing. If you were planning on knitting this shawl, maybe you would be better off knitting Tree of Light which is, ahem, quite similar. I'd call this a cautionary tale of how online behaviour might affect a small business because I am very sure I am not the first nor will be the last knitter to be put off.
I'm currently trying match a stashed yarn to a possible cardigan pattern. I had plans to make Peace or Carrie from the new Kim Hargreaves book, but the book is yet to arrive in Glasgow (and I have good reasons for not buying it online). So, a contingency cardigan is being planned .. let us see if I can decide on one, let alone knit one, before I start the KH cardigan.