Lest you think I am a complete slacker, here is photographic proof of my knitting efforts.
My Frankie Says .. jumper is no more and instead I have opted for a long-loved pattern from Rowan Studio 15, Serenity. My knitting mojo has been AWOL recently, so I was thrilled when I found myself yearning to work on this cardigan. It is a little cropped cardigan and I am really enjoying knitting it. One of the best things about knitting something in pieces is how often you finish a section and feel really smug about your progress. I am one back and one sleeve done, and hope to have this cardigan done by the end of the month. Unfortunately I have too many things happening this week for me to aim for completion by the weekend.
However, with Serenity well under way and my second pair of socks almost done (I need turn the heel on the second Monkey and then finish the foot), it is time to look ahead. I have been going through my stash and looked through patterns. This is what I am contemplating:
- Corsica from Rowan Summer Crochet. I liked the pattern photo, but this version on Ravelry blew me away. I am trying to steer away from making everything red, so I am currently torn between Siena in 665 Lustre (somewhere between lime green and peridot green) or Organic 4ply in either Oak Bark (a strange, but beautiful grey-brown) or natural undyed. Still undecided.
- A pair of socks knitted in Old Maiden Aunt Strange Rock'n'Rollers (merino). When Lilith mentioned the colourway, I knew I had to work with it as it takes its name from one of my favourite songs (youtube link) in one of my favourite films. Patternwise, I'm leaning towards Twisted from the brand-new Knitty or possibly a self-designed pattern if I can muster the mental energy.
- A shawl of some description. The usual suspects apply, plus a new contender. I have several, several yarns in mind: Kauni in purple/fuchsia, my precious 1-ply kidmohair/merino, the yak laceweight C. gave me for Christmas, Malabrigo lace, Old Maiden Aunt alpaca/merino laceweight, Kidsilk Haze, my Shetland laceweight, cashmere .. you get why I've joined a 10 shawls in 2010 group, right?
- The Snapdragon hat because although spring has arrived, spring in Scotland equals cold winds. I have a couple of contenders here too. Either 100 purewool worsted merino in Forest, the leftovers from my Forecast cardigan or some delicious Norfolk Pure-Coloured Texel yarn I received in a swap. I'm pondering matching fingerless mitts.
And I have a birthday shawl to start/finish before mid-June too. I better get a move on.
PS. Title? Yes, I'm a Browncoat.