Forecast: Very Nice
I finally have photos of my finished cardigan, the oft-mentioned Forecast. As you might expect from an early March afternoon in Scotland, outside was freezing cold and rainy, so we didn't stick around for a longish photo shoot. But this'll do.
I made so, so many modifications to this pattern that it is ridiculous: I changed the collar, the cables and the sleeves - but I like to think I've remained true to the original design's idea. I just didn't like all the textures the original design had going on. I have detailed my modifications over at my Ravelry notebook, in case you want the specifics.
I have not mentioned the wool, come to think of it. It was an eBay bargain: I snapped up 1200 yards of Latvian pure wool for around £15. Granted, I have never picked out so much vegetable matter in my life (including Noro!), it gave me very bad yarn burn on my finger (I knit Continental) and most people would not wear this cardigan right next to their skin, but I still consider it a bargain. I love working with very rustic and under-processed yarns, the wool has knitted up beautifully, it is extremely warm and will be very hard-wearing.
Also? The colour is frigging gorgeous.
I also bought buttons off eBay after struggling to find anywhere in Glasgow which a) stocked ten of one button type and b) wouldn't end being almost as expensive as the wool. I found some really lovely buttons at an online haberdashery shop, but they could not deliver more than six buttons. Oh well, eBay can be your friend in times of need and I ended up purchasing these buttons at a quarter of the price our local John Lewis wanted for the exact same buttons. Hmm.
Anyhow, as I am off to AyeWrite tonight to hear Andrew Crumey talking with Rodge Glass, I must dash and have my dinner before I'm running late.